15 January, 2025
Heatwave emergency warning
QUEENSLAND Health has issued an emergency extreme heatwave warning for the Far North.
“The Bureau of Meteorology advises extreme heatwave conditions continue to affect far northern Queensland, including Cairns, Ingham and surrounding areas,” the department said.
“These conditions are forecast to continue this week and are expected to reach a severity that may pose a health risk to those in the affected areas.
“While extreme heatwave conditions are no longer impacting areas of the Cape and Mackay regions, parts of far northern, northern and central Queensland continue to experience severe heatwave conditions.
“Make sure you know what to do when there is a heatwave warning in your area. Stay informed by visiting the Heatwave Service for Australia website.”
Take the below measures to keep yourself and your loved ones safe:
Plan and prepare
Monitor the weather using Bureau of Meteorology's Heatwave Service.
Store food and medication at a safe temperature.
Plan ahead if the electricity goes out.
Know who to call if you need help.
Follow your doctor’s advice if you have any medical conditions.
Stay as cool as possible
Try to be indoors during the hottest part of the day.
Close windows and doors to keep the heat out.
Use air conditioning or fans if available.
Avoid or reduce strenuous activities.
If you have to go outside, be sun safe by wearing a hat, long sleeves and light clothing, seeking shade where possible and applying sunscreen every two hours.
Drink water regularly and stay hydrated
Drink water (between 6-8 glasses each day).
Avoid alcoholic, hot or sugary drinks including tea and coffee (they can make dehydration worse).
Urine colour is a good guide to hydration – it should be clear to light straw-colour.
If you go outside, carry a bottle of water with you.
Look out for each other
Keep in contact with elderly friends, neighbours and relatives during a heat wave in case you, or they, need help.
Don’t leave children or pets in parked cars.
Heat stress can cause a range of health problems, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. If you are concerned you, or your loved one, is affected by one of these, call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25) or visit your doctor. Call Triple Zero (000) immediately in an emergency.
For more information about heat-related illness, as well as tips on understanding your risk and caring for vulnerable people (including the elderly, pregnant or young kids) in hot weather, visit the Queensland Health website.
Queensland Health will issue an updated heatwave health warning if health advice changes.