General News
18 November, 2024
Anti-fluoride campaigners to present their case
ANTI-fluoride campaigners Annette Sheppard and Zane Cosgrove are being given 15 minutes on Wednesday to address Cairns Regional Council about their opposition to the chemical compound being added to the region's water supply.

This follows three GPs being given the same time to present their case for fluoridation two weeks ago.
The duo will make their presentation soon after the meeting starts at 9am.

Ms Sheppard, a former city councilor, said the fluoride debate was being ignited "with spurious and emotive arguments for its reintroduction into the water supply".
"Impressive as it might be to have local GPs parroting the outdated studies that would not stand up to scientific scrutiny should they be done today, there are many other more qualified scientists who disagree with their rhetoric," she said.
"The fluoride that is added to the water supply is not that which occurs naturally in highly
mineralised environments or that which occurs in various foods.
"It is a highly toxic, intractable industrial waste product called fluorosilicic acid which can also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminium and other industrial contaminants. "Claims of purification are not held up by the evidence.
"Whilst the World Health Organisation generally supports water fluoridation, its’
recommendations contain cautionary caveats including that 'only one systemic measure
should be used at any one time'.
"The problem with fluoridation is that there is no way to monitor or regulate individual dosages, particularly for children.
"There is also a recommendation that children under six years should not use fluoridated toothpastes or mouthwash because of the risk of overdose and the child’s poor spitting reflex up to this age.
"Fluorosis, or irreversible tooth discoloration, mottling and in extreme cases pitting, is a
common unsightly side effect of fluoridation.
"Why do most countries, including many highly developed western nations, not follow this
practice? Why do some countries actively remove naturally occurring fluorides from water
"The fact is that bad dietary choices are the biggest determinant of poor dental health,
regardless of fluoride intake.
"The Queensland Child Oral Health Survey (2010-12) clearly identifies a socio-economic correlation with poor dental health outcomes.
"The very last page acknowledges that 'the difficulty arises from the limitations that will exist if programs to improve child oral health are focused on just one level of action (fluoridation)'.
"It further notes 'an example of this potential is the common interest in sugars in processed foods and drinks and their relationship to childhood obesity and dental caries.'
"Interestingly the diseases quoted in the article (CLN, 13/09/24) are lifestyle health issues that are also best addressed through dietary/lifestyle interventions.
"Suggestions that other health outcomes will be improved by fluoridation are downright dishonest and misleading.
"This debate is much deeper than the superficial arguments presented by supporters of
"Mandatory, mass medication of an entire population and environmental
contamination of our land and aquatic environs with industrial waste is hardly high-level